Thursday, 31 December 2015

Here's What You Should Know About Buying a Home in 2016

Many people have at least once dreamed or thought of the type of a home they would like to live in at certain points in their lives. For a potential home-buyer who would wish to own a home in 2016, there will be a considerably large number of homes to consider. Additionally, most of these homes will be sold at relatively competitive prices. Thus, the following are some of the things one ought to know when purchasing a home in 2016:

1. Right-size the home's down payment

A potential home-buyer should consider paying more than 20% of the total cost of the home that sellers often require. Such a strategy would be beneficial in an excessively competitive market that may emerge in the coming year. The extra payment for a down payment also assures the home-seller that the owner will be in a position to secure a mortgage if the asking price of the home supersedes the appraised price.

2. Benefits from tax breaks

In many states, tax laws are increasingly favoring homeowners. For that reason, buying a home in 2016 not only means securing a house, but also qualifying for a marvelous tax break. For instance, tax laws in many states allow homeowners to deduct every monthly interest payable on a home loan, except when the home's worth is more than a million.

3. Have a savvy broker

While typical brokers will inform potential homeowners of all the things they ought to know before buying a home, not every advice given is trustworthy. Thus, a potential home owner in 2016 should have a well-known agent to gather all the necessary information before settling for a home. A savvy broker has up-to-date information on market trends, and unseen factors affecting prices of homes. He or she may inform a potential homeowner of the hidden prices that a home seller would charge.

4. Price of homes are stabilizing

Due to the increasing demand for homes in the past few years, home prices have been skyrocketing steadily. However, the current market trends show that the prices are currently reaching a level playing ground no matter the stiff competition in the housing markets. Therefore, a person interested in owning a home in 2016 will be able to bargain for a fair price from sellers.

5. Interest rates for a home loan are still low

Many people who are unable to purchase homes from their pockets often opt of loans. However, home loans have been attracting at least 20% interest on any home loans. These high interest rates have always been the sole reason that people avoid opting for a home loan. Fortunately, many potential homeowners in 2016 will be free from such hefty loan rates as many the loans have currently reduced up to nearly 4%.


2016 will be the best year for one to purchase a home. The will come with attractive deals that will see many people securing worthy homes at relatively cheaper prices as compared to the previous years. For that reason, any potential home-buyer should contemplate owing a home in 2016 with a huge potential for financial savings.